Saturday, August 8, 2009


Since my last post, the following things have happened:
- I've gone out to shoot buskers during Ottawa's BuskerFest last weekend
- I've found religion in the form of Photoshop's dodge and burn brushes
- my computer has become slower than ever

The busker shots have, for the most part, been remarkable failures, reminding me of just how much practice I need before I can pretend I'm any good at action shots or portraits or both. But I did do my damnedest to save some of my shots of Phantastyk, an acrobatic duo (made up of Paul Perreault and Joey Albert) I've been sort of following for a couple of years, whenever I get to catch one of their performances in Ottawa.

For more information on Paul and Joey and their magnificent exploits, please visit their web site at

Also: please forgive the over-processed look of these shots. I was playing around in Photoshop and I have yet to find a balance between subtlety and "ooh, what does this brush do?"


  1. Wow! Nice photoshop effects!
    I wonder how long it took to do all those?
    The soft effect on the second shot is especially impressive!

  2. Thanks!

    I didn't keep track of how long the post-processing took, but my guess is about 30-40 mins per photo. (Not including the times I've completely fudged the PP and had to start all over.)
