Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Business cards etc.

My posting of photos is getting a bit scarce. This has something to do with me being too slow (read: lazy) in editing busker shots, but it's mostly a product of my being busy with other things, ranging from household chores to plotting world domination (ok, maybe not world domination per se...).

One thing I've been meaning to do for the past -- oh, 3 months or so has been to design business cards for myself. It's taken so long because I didn't quite know where to begin, but tonight I put my patience to the test and sat down in front of a Photoshop window until I came up with something that looked decent.

The brain-wringing eventually led to two designs, or rather, one design in two forms. Both are posted below; I encourage, urge, cajole and plead for comments, suggestions, preferences and/or critique.

(Phone number has been changed for obvious reasons...)


  1. My vote goes for the second one. Couldn't tell you why, though, for I have no idea. Love the overall design. *thumbs up*

  2. Thanks!! I can't seem to decide...

    And oooh, nice blog! Wish I could comment on it -- guess I need a LiveJournal account first :)
