Last week was my mom's birthday. I'd been threatening to get her in the studio for a long time, and I thought this was a good time to celebrate and show off my mom's boundless awesomeness. So we got together for a little portrait shoot. For those who haven't yet had the privilege to meet her, my mom is perhaps the kindest and most sincerely caring person I know. And this is going on more than just the infinite patience it must have taken to raise me over the last 27 years (and counting).
I've always known my mom to be a beautiful, stylish and expressive lady with more of an artistic streak than she might like to admit. I also knew her as a fairly reserved person, so I wasn't sure how she would feel being in front of a camera. Turns out, my mom is a closet model. Especially when you give her a hat.
You can see her, above, giving me the "I'm not sure whether I'm amused or deeply unimpressed with you" look that I got a lot as a teenager.
All in all, my mom is a rock star in and out of the studio, and a fun day was had playing with make-up, pretty dresses, and hats. After all, how can you go wrong with hats?!
Happy birthday, Mom!
Hello Ana, your mom was my English teacher since I was about 5 years old. I'd like to talk to her and know more about her. Please tell her about me, she'll surely remember: Mihaela Vieru. My email address is: thank you!