Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Signs of spring

Brought to you by my love for all things springy, green, fresh and small, and by Jeff's awesome 100mm macro lens, a few lovely products of the recent bout of amazingly beautiful weather here in Ottawa:


  1. I noticed that all the photos are all framed as squares. New approach?

    I love the composition! Definitely not just the lens working in those shots!

  2. Two of them really only worked, composition-wise, as squares; so I decided to frame them all that way for this post.

    But I also have a bit of a thing for square macro shots...

  3. First of all, I love your camera :D
    Second of all, you took great pics,
    third of all I love the angles you used in them,
    fourth of all I love the details you captured...

    And i absolutelly love how sensitive you are and how delicate, because I think you need to be extra-sensitive at heart to even think about taking this kind of pictures...

