He is the latest addition to my life, and Lady's newest friend, having been with us for just over a week now.
C.B. comes from a farm. He's had a bad run of luck in his early days, with his previous owner (the farmer in question) wanting to get rid of him by means of a gun, due to what we now suspect was a respiratory infection. Luckily for him, he was rescued, brought to a cat shelter, nursed back to health (or almost) and taken to a pet store from where Jeff and I picked him up. We named him Crème Brulée (C.B. for short) because his orangey colour made us think of him as a caramel version of Lady.
He's a bundle of fuzz, affection, energy and playfulness; the only clues of his former illness are the occasional sneeze, and the fact that Lady caught the virus from him, leading to a few days of cat health hell for all involved.
With both of them well on the road to full recovery, I took the time to snap a couple of shots of the new guy.
For a truly great photo of C.B., taken by Jeff, click here.
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