Question: what happens when you put 2 girls in a room with a bunch of make-up, an umbrella and a camera?
Answer: An awesome photo shoot, some cool photos and a lot of cleanup.

Back in (gulp) August, my friend Maria and I got together for another photo shoot. It is my deeply held belief that most girls have at least one really great dress that they bought with high hopes but don't have a chance to wear or, worse yet, have no good photos in. Add to that our love for make-up and Maria's innate modeling talent, and it was already starting to sounds pretty good.
And then it got better. One of the things I love about sharing a photography studio is that everyone uses different equipment and there's always something new to borrow and experiment with. This time, Guillaume had brought in an amazing umbrella that I was itching to put in front of a camera, rather than in front of a light.

The results were some great shots, a few Singing in the Rain moments (minus the rain), and I hear Maria got a good arm workout out - seems enormous umbrellas get heavy after a while!
You can see the full set here.
Eventually the black dress on black background got a little old, so we switched it up with a bright red corset for a different look.

Nice pictures! Love the model ;)