First into the studio was Chloe, my lovely dancer friend who can pull off a an intriguing mischievous look with gorgeous effortlessness, and who had more ideas than I could catch up with. I love her bright green eyes in this shot:
There was much moving around, outfit changing, adding and removing of accessories, furniture arranging and fun girliness involved. Towards the end of the shoot, I wanted to recreate a sort of lady's dressing table, so we assembled every piece of dress-up paraphernalia we could find in the studio, arranged it on an antique desk, and started shooting. But in the end, few things say "dressing room" like a shot of a girl's shoes:
You can see Chloe's full set here.
My second model for the day was Emilie, an accomplished dancer and model with a glamorous look that demanded a grand setting. I'm loving the colour contrast in this shot:
I liked having the chair and scarf in the background pick up the bright colours of her dress, so in our second setup, I tried to do something similar - see if you can spot it.
You can see Emilie's full set here.
All in all, thank you both for a fun day of shooting, and for being such good sports about me only just finding my footing in a new space with new possibilities. Unfortunately this first shoot was also my last in this particular studio, but great things are in the works, and I'm hoping to have a new place come September. And after this wonderful shooting experience, I hope my first photo shoot in my new studio is just as fun and rewarding. In the meantime, let's have some fun in the sun!