For the past few weeks, I’ve been battling a cold. I’d successfully kept it at bay for almost 3 weeks, when it finally decided to hit me last week and pin me to the closest warm, soft surface for 2 days.
Now, most colds come, put on their show, and move on. But not this one. This one decided to throw me for a loop by going into a 2-day period of détente, to lull me into a false sense of security and halt my intake of Tylenol Cold™ before coming back full-force last night and this morning.
Normally I don’t spend that much time at home, so when I found myself forcibly resting, I had to find a way to keep myself entertained. And with 2 cats around, this is not hard to do. So now I present you, courtesy of my cold, the November Cat Update featuring the many faces of my 2 cats:
LadyLady has grown considerably, both in length and in girth. She’s now on weight-control food, but for the moment she’s still a big round ball of catness. Mix that with an overpowering sense of entitlement, and you get a look I like to call Lady the Mafia Boss.

At the same time, however, she’s one of the most loving cats I’ve seen, and purrs me to sleep almost every night before moving on to Jeff’s pillow and becoming Jeff’s cat hat for the rest of the night. And every now and then she’ll put on her kitten face that is perfectly impossible to say no to:
CBCB has stayed a fairly small cat, probably due to his near-constant hyperness-fueled mad dashes from one end of the apartment to the other, endless climbing on every piece of furniture we own, playing with anything foolish enough to come within his reach, and chasing Lady around. Still, every now and then he pauses to look thoughtfully out a window and manages to look sage; inquisitive; dignified; insightful, even.

… then, all of 30 seconds later, he’s back to being a little fuzzy goofball.